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 Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread!

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2 posters
Lolly Tolly
Lolly Tolly

Number of posts : 1143
Registration date : 2008-11-25

Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread! Empty
PostSubject: Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread!   Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread! Icon_minitimeMon Dec 29, 2008 12:43 am

Hello, and welcome!

This is the thread in which you can post your non-Star Wars entries for the fan literature challenges. All entries will need to conform to the rules for fanfic set out in the welcoming thread of pretty much all of the fiction boards. I also ask that all entries are kept above the 100 word mark. This isn't a drabble challenge thread. Of course all entries must meet the guidelines of the individual challenge that they are in answer to.

A new challenge will be posted every fortnight. After a challenge is posted, contestants will get a week to hand in their entries, which will be posted in this thread. After the deadline, the rest of you will be given 48 hours to PM your votes, and after the winner is posted, they will recieve their prize, which is a special avatar.

Other than that, there is little I have to say. Comments are welcome in this thread, but please don't criticise. I only ask this because if you criticise, other potential voters can see that, and it could change their opinion.

The first challenge will be posted on the 31st of December 2008 at 3pm Eastern Pacific time.

Have fun!

PS. Some of the challenges will be specifically for SW, but I'll put up a general fanfic challenge as well.
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Lolly Tolly
Lolly Tolly

Number of posts : 1143
Registration date : 2008-11-25

Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread!   Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread! Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2008 11:03 pm

And it begins! Exciting, no?

There are plenty of instances in thousands of fandoms, where two people have a fight and they end their friendship or association or relationship. The first challenge is to write that argument or fight, to have the sparks fly. However, it doesn't necessarily need to end with the end of the relationship, if you get my drift...

Entries are due by Thursday 8th January, at 3pm Eastern Pacific time. At that point, voting will begin. Very Happy

Good luck!

Last edited by Lolly_Tolly on Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:04 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding deadline)
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Lolly Tolly
Lolly Tolly

Number of posts : 1143
Registration date : 2008-11-25

Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread!   Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2009 11:07 am

Title: ???
Author: Lolly Tolly
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. (Wow, that is so weird to be writing.)
Notes: This is my first venture into a fandom that isn't Star Wars. Shocked Razz AU of the Silence in the Library, if you've seen it, that will make sense. Smile

In response to the THIRD fanfic challenge!

The shadows were moving.

He watched in fascinated silence. He was the only one left. The others had been taken. But he had done nothing. Nothing at all to save them. Of course, he had put up the pretense of doing such, but he had had no such intentions.

Donna was gone. She had become part of the computer. That had been the first part of this escapade that he truly hated. Of course, there was that other man, but he didn't really hate him, it was just pity.

Everyone else was taken by the shadows, except for Donna. She was the lucky one. She was taken by the computer. He hated that computer. It had taken away his companion, his best friend. She was gone.

Even now, he can feel the hate boil up within him. Even now, as the shadows move. He thinks back to the beginning of it all, when she was lost. It was after that disaster that he met Donna. He never thought that another companion would change his life, but she did. Now she was gone, just like the rest. Just like Rose.

He thinks about that Professor Song. How had she known his name? She wouldn't anymore. She was dead, and he had changed the timeline. It was all different, now. Everything was changing.

The shadows were moving, again.
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Member 1st Class
Member 1st Class

Number of posts : 210
Registration date : 2008-12-19

Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread!   Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 7:46 pm

Aha, I get it! Very interesting.... Very Happy
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Lolly Tolly
Lolly Tolly

Number of posts : 1143
Registration date : 2008-11-25

Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread!   Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread! Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 11:50 am

Yay! Thanks! It's the only piece of non-SW fanfic I've ever written.... Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread!   Other Fan Literature Challenge Thread! Icon_minitime

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